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Messages : 2402
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2020

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Dim 30 Mai 2021 - 7:27
Prénom :OSLO  
Sexe : femelle
Age : 02/01/21 7 mois
Taille : moyen
Poids : 16kg
Stérilisation : non
Puce : 642090001912811

Histoire : sortie de golesti, chez Lenuta.  Arrivé le 15/09/21 chez Elena.
Caractère : elle est très mince, trop, elle n’a pas le poid qu’elle devra avoir , elle prend du poids un peu, craintive, terrorisé des humains
24/11 : non adoptable
15/05 : toujours très craintif, pas adoptable
08/12/22: She s shy..I can t touch her, but I ll put her now with the small dogs, that are very friendly, and I hope she ll change, because she let me touch her now
Voyage Roumanie : nous a fortement aboyer en montrant les dents.
30/04/24: toujours très effrayé  j'ai dû sortir du chenil pour qu'elle reste assise. Elle court et devient très agitée autour de Peiole.
Voyage Roumanie mai 2024 : Craintif voir agressif, aboie énormément et nous charge un peu
14/09/2024 : De mon point de vue, seule une famille d'accueil expérimentée peut s'occuper d'elle car elle a des réactions agressives envers les gens.

Arrivé le 15/09/21 chez Elena
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  10131e10

Reprise parrainage 12/11/22
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  996eb610

Dernière édition par Pitchoune le Lun 5 Juil 2021 - 12:22, édité 1 fois
Messages : 2402
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2020

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Dim 30 Mai 2021 - 7:36
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  B4d12410
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Edfd6410
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  32482410
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  C7a5c910
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  64b88b10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  C6a3f010
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  72351610
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  96e7db10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  5fea0b10
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Dim 13 Juin 2021 - 15:54
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Cd6b0510
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  9e0cba10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  5e219e10
Messages : 2402
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2020

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Lun 9 Aoû 2021 - 7:43
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Df334d10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  213ad410
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  5a684110
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Jeu 16 Sep 2021 - 19:44
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  34c0b610
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Bae52810
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  0cfc2b10
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Ven 15 Oct 2021 - 9:46
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Captu325
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Mer 24 Nov 2021 - 18:49
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  11bcf610
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Fd3d8e10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  609e9510
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  244e2e10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  87276910
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Dim 9 Jan 2022 - 15:19
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  57334310
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  B4fad210
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  B1f10e10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  E1e6bf10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  F3d75010
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  7d7f4e10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  96ceed10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  7ae44010
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  9cbc4c10
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Lun 16 Mai 2022 - 17:57
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Ed3c3010
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  8b83cb10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  2e0faf10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Bef88310
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  A379b510
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  0bdb0510
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  38fe9d10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  3744d710
Messages : 638
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2022

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Sam 3 Déc 2022 - 17:41
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2633
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2632
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2634
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2635
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2636
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2637
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2638
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2639
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2639
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2640
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_2641
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Mer 14 Déc 2022 - 20:51
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Ff737b10
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  12c44a10
Messages : 1471
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Vidéo d'Oslo

Ven 5 Mai 2023 - 11:03
Alice Bertrand
Messages : 6130
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2021

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Sam 16 Déc 2023 - 21:12
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Img_3980
Messages : 290
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2023

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Mar 30 Avr 2024 - 23:50
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43820313
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43820428
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43820428
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43820429
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43822122
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43823119
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43823118
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  43823715
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  44059810
Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2023

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Mer 5 Juin 2024 - 23:29
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  10000399
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  10000400
Messages : 290
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2023

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

Dim 15 Sep 2024 - 13:39
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  45751211
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  45838511
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  45839512
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  45865610
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  45895110
OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  45907910
Contenu sponsorisé

OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots  (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅  Empty Re: OSLO 3 fratrie 10 chiots (Patricia CRICKX ) - chiot Lenuta sauvetage 06/04/21 - chip ✅

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